
GSoC 2021 project: Using BALANCED_READS on RGW Calls to RADOS


I contributed 5 pull requests to Ceph Object Gateway (radosgw). Among the 5 PRs, 3 is merged and 2 is closed.


Here are the PRs I added during the GSoC:

  1. Remove quota soft threshold (#41495, merged)
  2. Require bucket name in bucket chown (#41668, merged)
  3. Add enable_keep_alive option (#41824, closed)
  4. Add balanced read option (#42409, closed)
  5. Add Lua script examples for Elasticsearch and Prometheus (#42875, merged)


I’ve learned a lot from the contributing processes during GSoC 2021. And I’m willing to keep working on more bug fixing and feature development not only in Ceph radosgw but also in other open-source communities.